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Freelance Local / International Education Agent


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** For Schools Which We Deal With (For International Students) :

Schools Part 1 / Schools Part 2

IAM - Institute of Administrative Management

Get An UK Diploma / Degree Directly From Overseas, Not Those Of In-House Diplomas

The iam is a UK government recognised awarding body offering qualifications in Administrative Management.

The iam's qualifications fit together logically: there is a clear link between each level, meaning that you can build on your prior learning and your growing work experience. The course content is designed to meet both your needs and those of employers in all sectors and specialisms, ensuring that you, the student, acquire transferable professional skills and tangible recognition of your efforts.

The iam offers a clear pathway for you to achieve your plans if you are looking to become a truly professional Administrator and to enjoy Incorporated status as permanent recognition of your achievements.

Core Programmes

About the iam

Established in 1915, the Institute of Administrative Management is the only professional body for both practising and aspiring Administrative Managers. Students and Members are professionals who are responsible for the management of:


Human Resources


Information Technology


Training & Development


21st Century Managers need to ensure continuous professional development and a systematic approach to life-long learning to ensure career advancement. Management is, after all, a transferable skill across a range of specialisms.

iam qualifications and Membership of the Institute will provide you with the expertise, knowledge and practical skills to sustain your competitive advantage. The iam supports managers (and aspiring managers) at all levels. Our aim is to improve both personal and organisational performance through a systematic approach to Professional Development.