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Freelance Local / International Education Agent


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Pathway For Our Education System

There is no central authority in Singapore that assesses or grants recognition for degrees obtained from overseas universities.

Recognition and/or acceptance of qualification/certification is entirely at the discretion of the individual prospective employer. For more information, refer to the FAQs on the accreditation of overseas universities.

In selecting an overseas institution for degree studies, it is advisable that students establish whether the institution is a bona fide educational establishment. On checking on the standing of the institution, students can check whether it is accredited/recognised by the home government of the country where it is located.

For example, for awards from US universities/institutions, the university/institution should be accredited by one of the following US accrediting associations in USA:

Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
North Central Association of Schools and Colleges
Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
For awards from UK universities/institutions, the university/institution should be recognised by the UK Department for Education and Skills.

The above information is not exhaustive. Students may make enquiries on the overseas universities/institutions at the Embassy/High Commission of the country where the university is located.