One Stop Service Centre Provided By Us :

Freelance Local / International Education Agent


Earn ( $500 - $5000 ) or Percentage Of Course Fee for every successful case.

How To : Be Our Local Education Student Agent

How To : Be Our International Student Education Agent

Recommended Schools Which We Closely Work With : Click Here

List Of Private Schools & Available Courses Which We Deal With Directly :

** For Schools Which We Deal With (For Local Students) : Schools

** For Schools Which We Deal With (For International Students) :

Schools Part 1 / Schools Part 2

Get A Diploma / Degree Directly From United Kingdom (UK) Instead !!!

Get A Diploma / Degree Directly From United Kingdom (UK) Instead, Exclusively From Singapore Private Business School !!!

The IAM is a UK government recognised awarding body offering qualifications in Administrative Management.

The IAM's qualifications fit together logically: there is a clear link between each level, meaning that you can build on your prior learning and your growing work experience. The course content is designed to meet both your needs and those of employers in all sectors and specialisations, ensuring that you, the student, acquire transferable professional skills and tangible recognition of your efforts.

The IAM offers a clear pathway for you to achieve your plans if you are looking to become a truly professional Administrator and to enjoy Incorporated status as permanent recognition of your achievements.

Institute Of Administrative Management (IAM)

Interested People, Contact Me For An Non-Obligation Discussion, We Have Many Schools Which Work WIth Us.