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Freelance Local / International Education Agent


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List Of Private Schools & Available Courses Which We Deal With Directly :

** For Schools Which We Deal With (For Local Students) : Schools

** For Schools Which We Deal With (For International Students) :

Schools Part 1 / Schools Part 2

East Asia Institute Of Management 新加坡东亚管理学院

Founded in 2001

Registered with the Ministry of Education, Singapore

A leading provider of a wide range of academic and professional programs

Established collaborative partnerships with several overseas universities that have recognized the quality of the programs offered at EASB

Committed to academic excellence and community service as reflected in its vision, mission and key beliefs

Awarded the highest educational excellence award, The Singapore Quality Class (SQC) for Private Education Organizations (PEOs) in 2003.

新加坡东亚管理学院 EASB 作为一所专注于迎合学生需求的私立院校,是唯数不多的几所拥有自己独立校园的私立院校之一,其主校区汉德森校园位于汉德森路。

距公交站步行只需 2 分钟,距地铁站步行只需 10 分钟
占地总面积 74400 平方尺,建筑面积 37880 平方尺,设有主校区、停车场、花园、篮球场和羽毛球场
汉德森主校区能容纳 2000 名学生
它设有 21 间课室,能容纳 40 至 60 名学生
配备良好的教学设施包括宽敞的课室、多媒体实验室、图书馆、电脑室、餐厅、篮球场和羽毛球场, EASB 汉德森主校区为我们的学生提供有利的学习环境

多媒体计算机实验室: 计算机实验室是所有学生最主要的学习资源,它旨在为学生提供现代化的、最新的计算机学习设施。计算机实验室在规定的上课时间向所有的学生开放。学院提倡学生通过使用计算机实验室的设施完成课外作业或项目作业。但必须要与学院教务处预约时间。
无线上网环境: EASB 汉德森主校区为学生提供无线上网环境,让学生能够在校园任何地方学习。
图书馆: 学院图书馆是所有学生另外一个主要学习资源,它为学生提供有效和最新的学习资料。此外,还为我们的合作大学图书馆以及新加坡其它信息中心提供网络资源设 施。它内藏有书籍、报刊、杂志和电子图书等。图书馆提供的书籍与我们学生所学的课程相关。。包括商务原理、管理学、人力资源管理、市场营销、经济学、金 融、酒店、休闲管理、旅游、会计、社会学、法律、计算机和信息技术等。图书馆内设有专门供学生研究和课外作业使用的专用计算机设施

School Of Business English

- Certificate in Business English

School Of Hospitality,Tourism & Leisure Management

Queen Margaret University

- BA Tourism Management
- BA Hospitality & Tourism Management

University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

- BA (Hons) Int'l Hospitality Mgmt.(Casino Mgmt.)
- BA (Hons) Int'l Hospitality Mgmt.(Events Mgmt.)

School Of Business Management & Accountancy

Queen Margaret University

- BA Business Management
- BA Consumer Studies & Management
- BA Management & Marketing
- BA Management & Retailing
- BA Events Management

University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

- BA (Hons) Accounting
- BA &Management Studies
- BA (Hons) Business Studies (Int'l Business Management)
- BA (Hons) Business Studies (Human Resource Mgmt.)
- BA (Hons) Business Studies (Marketing)
- BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems
- BA (Hons) Banking and Finance

University of Southern Queensland

- BCOM (General Commerce)
- BCOM (Economics)
- BCOM (Finance)
- BBus Logistics and Operations Management

School Of Postgraduate Studies

Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh Business School

- MBA Finance
- MBA Human Resource Management
- MBA Marketing
- MBA Strategic Planning

Queen Margaret University

- MBA Hospitality Management
- MBA e-Tourism Management
- MBA Public Services Management

University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

- MBA Project Management

University of Southern Queensland

- Master of Professional Accounting (MPA)
- Doctor of Professional Studies