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Accountancy, Why Is This Good For Me ??

The profession

Think accountancy is dull? Think again. As a qualified accountant the work you do will be both interesting and intellectually demanding.

Career opportunities
A job in accountancy can help you gain a high salary and a fast track to the top in your chosen field:

.chief financial officer
.director or partner in accounting firm
.auditor general or influential position in government finance
.entrepreneur or owner-manager of small business
.forensic accountant
.finance director in a multinational company
.senior internal auditor
.senior executive in international role
.business adviser.

Demand for accountants
Finance professionals are in demand across the world.

Your skills, knowledge and professionalism will be sought by organisations of all sizes – and not just by accounting firms. Any industry or sector you choose to work within will offer opportunities to progress your career.

Think about it. Every company needs someone to steer the finances. Make the right choice and you could work for the type of organisation that suits you.

Public or private sector. Sole trader. Small business. Multinational company.
Any industry, any sector, anywhere.

And with the right qualification, you could work in any country. Accountancy is one of the few professions that transcends national borders.

Accountancy is a globally-recognised profession, requiring knowledge, skill and integrity.

Qualified finance professionals are in demand worldwide – a demand which can also lead to world-class rewards including:
.excellent remuneration
.career progression
.seeing your work make a real difference to your organisation
.diverse career paths.

For ambitious high flyers, accountancy provides one of the best established foundations for senior management roles, including chief executive and leadership roles.

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)

Interested People, Contact Me For An Non-Obligation Discussion, We Have Many Schools Which Work WIth Us.